Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Factors must not forget in Intraday trading

Be always ready to stop loss in intraday trading

When you are new to intraday trading you must keep aside this two factors 1. Greed, 2.Panic both will make you and take you to unwanted depths from where recovering is impossible so stay cool

Before jumping do lot of homeworks and do some toy trading and make sure yourself how to progress and plan things this will help you a lot

when everything is positive and you can always very much expect the market to open strong and stock to sore high so watch for what is happening around

do not prejudge the prices of the stocks because nothing is predictable in intraday trading if it is down today it may not be tomarrow and if it is high today it may not be the same tomarrow keep this in mind

Do not enter the market with a pre determined direction of movement you cannot be much biased and enter because when you enter in that way and find some thing happening and the market moves in the other way your mind will get totally disturbed and what every action you take on market will certainly let you down

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